Debbie Reynolds – The Auction Finale

Saturday, May 17 - Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 11:00 AM PDT

For all the people who worked so hard to build our movie magic, I turn my part of this history over to new generations of collectors and fans. May it bring you as much joy as it did me.

Map of the live auction event:


  • Kathryn Andersen

    What an icon you are!!! I have loved all of your movies since you first came on the scene. I watch reruns whenever I see them on T.V..I hate that you are put in a position to auction off the precious memorabilia that you have acquired over the years. My favorite movie period is the late 1930’s, absolutely love the 1940’s and into the 1950’s. It was so simple, yet so darn glamorous. Being retired and on a fixed income forbids me from doing any bidding on even the smallest items of your wonderful collection, but I do so appreciate everything from the eras that you have collected from. I hope it proves very profitable you & you continue to thrive in the future.

  • Ann Burchill

    Dear Debby,
    When my father died in San Francisco at age 37 my mom packed us up and moved back to Boston. Before we left we saw you movie How the West Was Won. It was on a big screen and we loved it. Thank you for making that movie, for as I left all my memories in California you preserved them for me on the big screen! You are a great lady and I have enjoyed your movies as my mom did. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
    Ann Burchill

  • Warren W. Spencer

    As my very first crush in Hit the Deck, your first marriage seemed a personal betrayal to this then still pre-adolescent. Catered Affair, Tammy and the Bachelor, Mating Game, What’s the Matter with Helen?, and Mother (as well as your live one-woman show) proved favorites as I followed your career through the years. An movie lover, I commend you for early on recognizing the intrinsic value of Hooray for Hollywood memorabilia. Though regretting the break up and disbursement of your amazing collection, how commendable of you to hold onto it for so long. Short-sighted others will some day understand the importance of your long-standing attempt to share it with members of the movie-going public such as me. Beyond your ongoing contributions to that which is involved with movie-making, I also admire you charitable work with the Thalians and devoted mothering of your son Todd and the like-mother-like-daughter very talented Carrie. Thank you for the joyous entertainment and good deeds that you have shared with this as well as many other devoted fans and admirers. Ever fondly, Warren W. Spencer of New Smyrna Beach, FL

  • Ryan

    Hi Debbie,

    It really saddens me that everything from your museum has gone to auction.I wish there was more we could of done as movie fans to prevent this collecting from being split up. I just hope some of the iconic pieces will turn up in collections for the public to see and not stored in someones vault by a private collector.I never had a chance to see you’re museum in Las Vegas since I live in Canada. I would of bought a plane ticket and the price of admission if the museum still existed.

    I’m 33 and its been a pleasure watching you on film. Singin’ in the rain will always be a favorite of my mine.

  • Mike Doherty

    Hello Ms Reynolds, When my dad was in the hospital as a child you came a visisted him. To this day he says that was one of the biggest thrills of his life. I was wondering if it would be possible to get an autograph picture from you for his 75th birthday? I know your busy and get request all the time if it’s not possible that’s fine and thank you for all you did for my dad through the years. If it cost something let me know or if I get a book or what have you, I’ll do whatever you ask.
    Thanks again, Mike P.S. his name it Pat.

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